Contact Information

Istanbul Sureyyapasa 
Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery 
Training and Research

Başıbüyük mahallesi Meslek Hastalıkları Ek Hizmet Binası 34844 Maltepe - İstanbul
 Maltepe - İstanbul  
Tel: +90 (216) 421 42 00
Fax: +90 (216) 421 41 10

For Patients :
To request an appointment for our hospital please contact the email below. We kindly request all your medical records in English attacthed to your email, and then we can schedule an appointment. 

Contact: sureyyapasa.hitap  @

For Referring Physicians:
Dear colleagues, to refer an international patient to our hospital please contact the email above. We will kindly request the medical records of your patient in English attached to your email, and then we can schedule an appointment for your patient. 

Contact: sureyyapasa.hitap @